The brand identity of the Paleontological Museum
Paleontological Museum
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Svadba v Oblomovke
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To rebrand the paleontology museum. To emphasize its identity, convey its atmosphere and character, and bring a sense of lightness and freshness to the updated corporate identity
The Paleontological Museum was established on a unique site showcasing fossil fauna from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods
Pliosaurus Rossicus —the center of the museum's exposition, became the basis of the corporate identity
Pliosaurus Cryptoclidus
Pliosaurus Rossicus
Also, the paleontology museum's corporate identity uses authentic depictions of real prehistoric reptiles
The font base for the logo was low-contrast humanist sans-serif Commissioner
And the main color is the ancient sea, in which prehistoric reptiles grew and died
The main pattern is a kind of mixture of a height map and a sandy bottom, which was located on the site of the museum 145 million years ago
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Svadba v Oblomovke