Creative Laboratories
"The genius of a place"
Annual report 2023
Number of pages: 176
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Annual Reports have a bad rap for being the driest and most uninspiring corporate collateral to design and digest. Most are briefly scanned through for the necessary information and hardly perceived as enjoyable reading material.

I undertook this project with the goal of challenging this notion through the 2023 annual report on talent concentration points 'The Genius of a Place'
In our writing system, a period marks the end of a sentence, a narrative, or a book. But in talent concentration points, it is just the beginning. The beginning of your creative journey, professional growth, and development. The beginning of your success.

Here, you can gain knowledge from books, access professional electronic resources, find mentors, like-minded people, partners, and your first audience. You can create your own startup, implement a creative project, or launch research in the field of creative industries.

The brief was simple: to make this annual report worth reading and keeping. As a government institution tasked with fostering the creative potential of young people in Russia, the 'The Genius of a Place' annual report had to be designed to reflect the project's creative and forward-thinking direction
The design of the 'Genius of Place' annual report is based on the concept 'Everything Begins with a Dot.' A dot, a circle, is the central element, from the cover to the imprint. Each dot marks a beginning. Thus, the annual report reflects not only the outcomes of the past year but also a glimpse into the future
The annual report includes a map of talent concentration points opened in 2023. Its unfolded size is 420×594 mm
All talent concentration points marked on the map are detailed in a separate section of the annual report and categorized by the regions of Russia where they are located
The final result is a tactile publication that visually represents the vision of the 'Genius of Place' project, along with a carefully designed layout that ensures the annual report is easy to digest and leaves a lasting impression on the recipient
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